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  • Celebrating 13 Years of Happy Customers
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  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified
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  • ISO 14001:2015 Certified

Quote Request

There are many situations in which you might need a quote to be sent from us directly.

1 - Perhaps you have seen a product cheaper elsewhere and want to see if we can price match.

2 - Are you a primary or secondary school, and need to receive an official quote from us for audit purposes or to meet internal ordering requirements.

3 - Buying for a business and have a three quote policy, try us for pricing. We will always try to match and better your pricing requirements where possible.

4 - Do you need a quote with other services added on, imaging , delivery to desktop , OS install , engineer onsite to deploy or help

We handle quote requests for our managed accounts on a daily basis, and as customer service takes a centrestage within , you can be sure your quote request will be handled quickly and with care and attention to detail.

Start by creating an account for yourself by signing up here and you will have the ability to request quotes from our managed products team. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call ,  e-chat or email.